What is Torque Formula in Physics Define Symbol, Unit, Types

What is Torque Formula
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We hope your exam preparation is going well. To make your preparation powerful and to provide help, we will provide you information related to What is Torque Formula. Along with Torque Formula, we will define symbol, unit, types, equation and derivation. Friends, if you want to provide special information about What is Torque Formula, then read this article carefully till the end so that you can get all the important information.

According to physics, torque is defined as a rotational force that induces rotation. Torque is not a circular force as a result of this. Torques are typically linear forces that are given to a hinged lever arm in order to cause the lever arm to rotate. Any hinged object can serve as the lever arm. For instance, because they are a solid rotating mass, the seats of a teeter-totter are lever arms. When examining torque on a system, it’s critical to determine the lever arm’s length and rotational axis.

One way to conceptualize the axis of rotation is as the pivot point of the lever arm. It is the point around which the lever arm revolves. Not every lever arm has a central axis of rotation, but for a teeter-totter, the axis of rotation is the apparatus’s center. An axis of rotation is often found along the edge of many torque-generating systems, such as swinging doors. Keep reading this article till the end to know What is Torque Formula in physics, symbol, unit, types.

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What is Torque Formula

The torque exerted on an item is determined by multiplying the force imposed on it by its perpendicular distance from the rotational axis. The symbol for it is τ. The cross product between the force and the displacement vector from the pivot point yields the torque formula. Therefore, the torque can be expressed numerically as follows:

What is torque formula in physics
What is the torque formula in physics

What Is Torque?

Torque is another name for the instant of force, or just movement. It describes the force that facilitates an object’s rotation around its pivot, fulcrum, and axis. Torque, on the other hand, is an idea that compels the thing to spin and also refers to the turning action. The concept of force is analogous to the force of pulling or pushing an object. The term “axis of rotation” refers to the angle at which an object rotates. The two primary components needed to find a linear force that involves rotation are Acceleration and mass.

Common Symbols τ , M
SI Unit N.m
In SI Base Units kg.m2.s-2
Dimension M L2 T-2
Other Units Pound-force-feet,lbf.inch

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How Do Calculate Torque?

In the above, we have told about What is Torque Formula. Now we know about the calculation of torque. Finding the lever arm and multiplying it by the applied force is an easy method to get the torque magnitude. N is the axis of rotation, F is the horizontal force applied at p for rotation, and d is the arm’s moment (the distance measured perpendicularly between the line of action force and the axis of rotation), as seen in the image. You can calculate Torque from this Torque Calculator.

Torque dimensional formula
Torque dimensional formula

Types Of Torque Formula

In the above article, we have given you special information about What is Torque Formula. Now we will tell you the types of torque which are of the following two types.

Static Torque

Static torque is any torque that does not cause an angular acceleration. A closed door experiences static torque when someone pushes on it because it is not rotating on its hinges despite the force provided. A person pedaling a bicycle at a constant speed is also producing static torque because they are not accelerating. Additional instances of static torque are rotating a car’s steering wheel or using a wrench to tighten a bolt.

Dynamic Torque

Dynamic torque is the torque that causes an angular acceleration. Given that a racing car is traveling swiftly around the track, the drive shaft must cause the wheels to accelerate angularly as the car launches off the line. Additionally, dynamic torque is demonstrated when you peddle a bicycle and the machine starts to move at different speeds. Using a power drill, spinning a top, and running a wind turbine are instances of dynamic torque.

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Use of Torque in a Car

In automotive engineering, torque is a key notion since it governs a vehicle’s capacity to accelerate, climb slopes, and tow large objects. Torque can be defined as the twisting force that rotates an object. When it comes to automobiles, torque is produced by the engine and sent to the wheels via the drivetrain, enabling motion.

Let’s solve a problem to have a closer look at torque.

  • Assume a 600 Newton wrench is used by an auto mechanic to loosen a bolt. The auto mechanic’s force is exerted perpendicular to the arm of the wrench. About 0.20 meters separate the mechanic’s hand from the bolt. Determine the torque’s applied magnitude.

The angle between the force and the wrench in the moment of the arm is 90 degrees.

We know  that, sin 90y = 1

The magnitude of torque is given by;

T = F × r × siny

Therefore, the torque’s magnitude is given by

(600N) (0.2m) = 120 N m

Therefore, the torque magnitude is 120 Newton-metres (N m).

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Utilizing Torque in Applications

In the above article, we have given you special information about what is torque formula. Now we are going to tell you about the Applications of Torque.

  1. Wrenches: The nut (or bolt) is the rotation point since it can be turned to tighten or loosen the nut. The force is being applied by the hand and arm. To impart ninety degrees of power to a bolt or nut, use a wrench.
  2. It is a component of many intricate devices, such as the electric motor found in the majority of home appliances. It is especially crucial to the operation of cars since it has a big impact on the engine and transmission.
  3. Seesaws: People have observed individuals sitting on opposite ends of seesaws, with one person appearing to be heavier than the other. Because the heavier person’s moment arm has a shorter duration than the lighter person’s, they can reduce torque by sitting relatively near to the pivot.

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Frequently Asked Question

Q? Tell me about torque and its unit?

Ans: Torque is measured in Newton-meters (N-m). The vector product of the force and position vectors can be used to describe the above equation. τ → = r → × F →

Q? What distinguishes torque from force?

Ans: In the field of rotational mechanics, torque is the opposite of force. The primary distinction between them is that torque is a force’s capacity to create an axis of twist.

Q? Describe a torque example?

Ans: The list of frequent torque instances that follows includes the following: A linear downward force applied perpendicular to the doorknob causes it to revolve. When a linear force is given to a coin at an angle to its edge, the resultant force is rotation.

Q? How does torque and moment differ from one another?

Ans:  While moment refers to being propelled by an outside force to generate the rotation, torque is a specific instance of moment since it pertains to the rotation’s axis.

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In the above article, we have told you about What is Torque Formula. What Is Torque? How Do Calculate Torque? Types Of Torque Formula and Use of Torque in a Car. We have given you special information about this. Which will be very helpful in your exam. We hope friends, you liked the article written by us on What is Torque Formula. Stay connected with our website to get such best knowledge and make your physics strong. Thank you!

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